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The London Clay Bouquet

The London Clay Bouquet


We can't be more excited, or inspired by this unique Benicia offering! We are collaborating with Ingrid of London Clay for a bespoke vase and arrangement gift pairing for your super local loving momma! 


We have an assortment of London Clay Vases in our signature pink and grey color palette to choose from. We'll pair your momma, a London Clay vase, and our locally sourced blooms to make the most perfect bespoke gift your mom will be blown away by. 


We are so honored and proud to be a part of this beautiful community by the Bay. We know you are too. Sending this gift is a concrete way to show your support for not only local artisans, craftspeople, and makers, but also shows your support to your community through keeping your sales tax & revenue dollars hyper local. 



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